보육교사자격증 취득방법 온라인 진행과정 알고 계시나요

Hello, I’m Johnson ☆, and I’m currently working at a daycare center, and I didn’t think I’d do anything different from the company I used to work for, but it’s strange that I’m working in a job that takes care of young children.After graduating from high school, I started working right away because I couldn’t do it realistically. I spent a lot of time doing that. After a few years, I was thinking about a job for the future. I was interested in listening to my high school graduation

Hello, I’m Johnson ☆, and I’m currently working at a daycare center, and I didn’t think I’d do anything different from the company I used to work for, but it’s strange that I’m working in a job that takes care of young children.After graduating from high school, I started working right away because I couldn’t do it realistically. I spent a lot of time doing that. After a few years, I was thinking about a job for the future. I was interested in listening to my high school graduation

I met on my way to find relevant information, learning mentors to explain the contents of such a period shorter than I expected, that when I heard it was able to get a degree and certificate.具体的に調べ始めました保育士資格の取得方法には大きく2つが必要でしたまず、専門学士の学歴以上を持って必ず受けなければならない17科目を聞かなければなりませんでした 専攻45、教養15、一般20点総合80点を満たせば学力条件を満たすことができました一応資格証に必要な専攻科目から聞きながら課程を始めました17科目はオンライン8、対面8、実習で構成されていて、オンラインで授業を受けるのは気にする部分が少なくて簡単に進めました出席が必要な授業の場合は、学習メンターの助けをたくさん受けました15週間の課程内でインターネットで授業を受けて、一番近い教育院に科目当たり1回ずつ出席すればいいのでした学習メンターの助けで居住地近くの保育園に出て補助教師として働くことができました毎日実習日誌を書いて授業準備するちょっと大変な日程でしたね6週間、平日ずっと子供たちと向き合いながら理論だけで学んだ内容を適用する過程が不思議でした 心配事が多かった対面と実習過程だったんですが学ぶ点が多い有益な時間でしたね


I’m glad I did it with lifelong education. When I thought I was going to go to school after preparing for the CSAT, I wasn’t confident of getting a score for early childhood education. I was worried that I couldn’t pay attention to my studies,I thought I should study more about retained integration from now on. I’m working so satisfied that I regret the lost time. Thank you for reading my text!

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